Because of increased pressure on the Millennium Wood, the Parish Council as the owner of the Wood has introduced a new booking system for organised groups wanting to hold events there.
Educational/biodiversity events involving up to 20 participants (including leaders) will be limited to one session per week per organisation up to a total of 40 events per school year (September to August) across all such registered groups.
Educational/biodiversity events involving up to a maximum of 35 people (including leaders) will be limited to 20 sessions per year across all of the registered groups.
The Parish Council will review the requests for sessions for the coming school year at its August meeting. BOOKINGS ARE NOW CLOSED FOR 2024-25.
Witchford Millennium Wood is owned by the Parish Council and is open for everyone to enjoy. The Wood is managed to encourage wildlife as much as possible.

Millennium Wood map_2011
The public are welcome to use the Wood for recreation in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Campfire Protocol.
Code of Conduct Millennium Wood
Campfire Protocol
The most recent Management Plan for the Wood can be read here.
Millennium Wood Management Plan