Parish Council Information

Witchford Parish Council works together for the benefit of the local community: providing support to local groups and initiating projects to improve the environment and facilities for its residents. As the first tier of local government,  Witchford Parish Council works towards improving community well-being and providing better services at a local level.

There are eleven Parish Councillors who are elected every four years – the last election was May 2019. All Parish Councillors are volunteers.

All Parish Council and Committee meetings are open to the public and there is always an opportunity for the public to speak about issues of interest or concern.

Unless stated otherwise on the agenda, all Parish Council meetings commence at 7.00pm on the first Wednesday of the month at St Andrews Hall Main Street and are open to the public. Items for the agenda must be with the Clerk no later than 5.00pm on the Tuesday of the week before the meeting.

Meeting dates are listed here :

2025 meeting dates

We encourage the public to come to meetings and to be involved in parish affairs. To ensure reasoned debate, there are a few rules covering public participation at meetings, which can be read here: Public participation at Parish Council meetings

Copies of all the current and past Agendas and Minutes can be read here: Agendas and Minutes

Parish Council Contacts

Tel: 07394 915920

email: ">