Have your say sign

REGULATION 14 CONSULTATION 24th January – 6th March 2024

Complete the survey online here


The Single-Issue Review documents can be viewed here

The supporting documents for the Single-Issue Review can be viewed here 

We are updating the Witchford Neighbourhood Plan to make it a more positive tool for tackling climate change locally. The Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in 2020 and, together with the East Cambridgeshire District Council Local Plan (2015), is the development plan for Witchford. Planners must take it into account when making planning decisions for the parish. We intend to add policies addressing climate change and enhancing biodiversity into the Witchford Neighbourhood Plan. This will make it a more robust document ensuring that planning applications in Witchford are, wherever appropriate, required to incorporate climate change and biodiversity measures.

We are now consulting widely with Witchford residents and a range of statutory bodies and other stakeholders on our proposals, by means of a survey. At the end of the survey, we will consider every response individually.

We propose to add five new policies to the Witchford Neighbourhood Plan and to slightly amend the overall Plan Vision. We are not proposing any changes to current planning policies contained in the adopted Witchford Neighbourhood Plan (2020).

We would like your views on these.