Witchford Parish Council adopted a Climate Emergency Declaration on 2nd October 2019. This can be read here

Witchford Parish Council Climate Emergency Declaration 

The Parish Council has resolved to:

  • calculate its current carbon footprint
  • regularly recalculate its carbon footprint in the future
  • publish its carbon footprint calculations (2020 carbon footprint calculation here)
  • create a Climate Action Plan (adopted 3rd March 2021 – click here to read the Action Plan)
  • work with East Cambridgeshire District Council to help create a Parish Action Plan template

Updates on progress towards these objectives will be posted here regularly.

Calculate your own household carbon footprint here:

World Wildlife Fund carbon footprint calculation tool

You can leave it at that …… OR ….. If you are up for the challenge of reducing Witchford’s carbon footprint, please follow the steps outlined below.  Participation is entirely voluntary but we hope that this exercise will help to engage the village in finding out more about climate change and what we can all do to help fix it.

1.Decide upon a name/codename for your household.

2.Submit your results via the Witchford Household Carbon Footprint form that you can find by following this link: Witchford Household Carbon Footprint

3.Submit your data as many times as you wish to see how your carbon footprint varies (hopefully reduces!) over time.