Transport projects are taken from the Witchford Transport Plan which pulls current and future plans together into a long term holistic plan.The latest version of the Witchford Transport Plan can be read here.

Transport Plan 2018

The Parish Council has adopted transport related policies which can be read here:

A10 Pedestrian Crossing

Common Road – A142 Junction.pdf

Witchford Pedestrian and Cycle Spine Route.pdf

Local Highways Improvements Fund bid

Witchford Parish Council applies every year to Cambridgeshire County Council for funding from the County Council’s Local Highways Improvement Fund (LHI), which provides funding up to 50% of the cost of highways schemes in local areas to address road safety concerns.

Witchford Parish Council has a good track record of successful bids, including:

2017-18 widening the footway on the north side of Main Street from the Common Road junction towards the primary school

2018-19 new raised table on Main Street by the Post Office

2020-21 widening the footway on the north side of Main Street between Church View and Manor Court Road (still to be completed)

The Parish Council has submitted a bid for funding from the 2021-22 LHI for a pedestrian crossing at Main Street near the primary school.

Highways improvements funded by the Parish Council

The Parish Council may use its own funds to pay for highways improvements in the village. In recent years the Parish Council has paid for a short length of new pavement on Grunty Fen and for 20mph zones to be put in place on Field End/Victoria Green/Clover End/Briars End/Granary End and on Bedwell Hey Lane/The Warren.

During the year  2020-21 the Parish Council has budgeted to purchase flashing speed lights to combat speeding, double yellow lines at locations to be agreed, rights of way marker bollards on the A142 and lighting at the A142/Sutton Road junction. All these projects are dependent on close working with the County Highways Team and need the permission of County Highways to proceed.

The Parish Council welcomes suggestions from residents about highways improvements in the village.

Automated Traffic Count

In November 2016 the Parish Council commissioned an automated traffic count to measure traffic flow in, out and through the village.

There is a known skew in the data, over the period of the week the village appears to gain 546 vehicles. There are 2 explanations for this:

  1. Due to the positioning of the counting device on Common Road any vehicle using the Greenham Park industrial estate won’t have been counted as leaving the village.
  2. From a total of over 37,000 in and out bound journeys 546 is within the error limits of the counting devices.

This the raw data spreadsheet supplied by the company

Witchford ATC.xlsx

This is a spread created from the raw data looking at traffic flows only


Here is the analysis of the data

Traffic Data Analysis_16Jan18.pdf

ATC results analysis_180116.pdf

East Cambridgeshire Transport Plan

Cambridgeshire County Council is the Highway Authority for this area and has published a Transport Strategy for East Cambridgeshire. This includes high-level policy proposals as well as details of highway improvement schemes throughout the District. A copy can be seen at this link to the County Council website.

Transport Strategy for East Cambridgeshire