Statement from Witchford Parish Council on horsefield

Residents in Witchford have been sent a letter from a development company about proposals for developing land west of the primary school known as ‘the horsefield’. This letter refers to the possibility of developing this land for housing and including land for expansion of the primary school.

Witchford Parish Council’s view is that it supports Witchford Rackham Primary School and the School Governors and accepts their wish to expand on the current site if expansion is needed.

However the recent village survey carried out by the Parish Council showed strong support for protecting  Witchford’s green spaces including the horsefield. The Parish Council has successfully argued for the horsefield to be shown as Local Green Space in the new East Cambs Local Plan – this status gives the land extra protection against development.

The Parish Council has also contacted the County Council Education Department and the owner of land on the other side of the primary school to explore possibilities for school expansion on that land.